The present château was built in 1860, we believe it was built on the footings of a much larger château that had burnt down. The previous château had many outbuildings that are still standing in the grounds.
We have uncovered foundations whilst excavating for the mains water pipe. The map opposite is from 1836 and shows 2 groups of 3 buildings the lower set is where the current château is built. When clearing the cellar we found a carpenters stone from 1802 suggesting the cellar was from the earlier château.

Agnes Sorel
There is believed to be a link between
Villiers and Agnes Sorel.
Agnes Sorel was the first officially recognised mistress to a French king. She was known as the Dame de beauté (most beautiful woman in France).
She had 4 children by King Charles VII, dying during childbirth in 1450 aged 28 .
The King had given her Loches Château as her home. It is situated 35km from Villiers and is where she is buried.
Agnes generated scandal at court by introducing a fashion for low cut dresses that revealed her favourite left breast.
She is said to have stayed at a Château in Villiers where there is now a road named after her.